Hunting, Fishing, and other outdoor activities await you in beautiful Picture Rocks Borough.

The Rocks
The peculiar name – Picture Rocks – was given to the place by the early settlers, who found rude Indian pictures painted on the rocks. They have long since disappeared. These hieroglyphics attracted much attention at first and were long regarded as an object of curiosity by the settlers. What they indicated no one could tell. Tradition informs us that the flat on which the town is built was once a favorite camping place for bands of Monsie Indians, and as many arrow points and other relics of the departed race were found there, such was probably the fact. – History of Lycoming County
Van Rensselaer Park
This park gets its name from the Assa Rensselaer Sprout family. Members of this family played a critical role in the formation of the United States and served as leaders in business, politics and society.
Reservations for the pavilions at the park can be made by submitting the Van Rensselaer Park Reservation Request form to the borough office.

Veterans Memorial Park
The Veterans Memorial Park of Picture Rocks was created to honor all veterans who have honorably served in any branch of the US military. A veteran does not need to be a resident of Picture Rocks or the surrounding area to have an engraved brick placed in the walkways surrounding the monument. Our park operates on corporate and individual donations and, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity, all donations are tax deductible. Further information and pictures are available at: or